
NonAligned Movement for Nepal

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Persistent Positive Public Pressure for a Peaceful and Prosperous Nepal.

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The Forgotten Sons and Daughters of Nepal

"I have told repeatedly that I will never change my passport in this life, I will die with this Green(Nepali) Passport." Upendra Mahato, in picture, founder of Non Resident Nepalese Association, a highly successful businessman in Russia and an untiring Philianthropist.

Lately there has been an upsurge in discourses and discussions in much of the developing world regarding the possibilities of harnessing the human capital of the expatriates and the non-residential nationals. In doing so, it is believed that since the individual has historical familial connections to the native country, should opportunities be there, he or she is generally motivated to be associated with the previous country.
मैले पटक पटक भनेको छु, म मेरो जीवनमा पासपोर्ट कहिल्यै परिवर्तन गर्दिन भनेर, म यही हरियो पासपोर्टलाई साथमै राखेर मर्ने हो, नेपालको हरियो राहादानी लिन विदेशीलाई लालायित बनाएर मर्ने हो - See more at: http://www.bizmandu.com/content/-5351.html#.U5QloyjdoUM

चेपुवामा गणतन्त्र

प्रस्तावित गणतन्त्र स्तम्भको नमुना: हाल किर्तिपुरमा यस स्तम्भको निर्माण भैरहेको छ।

हाम्रो देशको पुरा नाम नै सङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र  नेपाल हो। अनि गणतन्त्र दिवस, राष्ट्रिय बिदा तर  यसपालिको गणतन्त्र दिवसलाई निकै महत्वका साथ हेरिँदै छ भारतमा हिन्दुवादी भारतीय जनता पार्टीका नरेन्द्र मोदीको बिराट विजयसँगै नेपालमा पनि गणतन्त्रवादी र राजतन्त्रवादी दुवै खेमा र आम जनतामा एउटा नयाँ कोलाहल सृजना भएको छ । के साँच्चै नेपालमा गणतन्त्रको भविष्य धरापमा छ त ?

Two Points for Tourism Promotion in Nepal

Nepal has the highest mountains on the planet, and some of the best trekking routes in the world. The natural diversity here is unbelievable, and it houses some of the most unparalleled and diverse cultural treasures. It is home to two of the major religions of the humankind, and it has their holiest shrines. Add to that one of the most hospitable civilizations. All this within a breadth of 200 kilometers, 1000 kilometers east to west. There is virtually no other spot on earth so dense with the pearls of heaven.

Still, Nepal has found it hard to develop itself as a tourism hub while other not so resourceful countries have bagged billions.

A Benevolent Dictator, is that what Nepal needs?

Image depicting Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, whose authoritarian style helped him stay in power while his policies helped Singapore develop into a prosperous state.(Click to enlarge image)

As Nepal's political transition is shamelessly lengthened and the presence of state is nearly imperceivable; we often hear some remarks, now more than ever : "Nepal laai  khasma chaiyeko euta Dictator ho k! " and/ or : "Nepal laai banauna aba Jungabahadur(or even Hitler) nai chainchha! ". 

These opinions arise from the same sentiment of having a powerful, efficient and incorruptible head of state who can accelerate our economy and prepare grounds for lasting peace.