
NonAligned Movement for Nepal

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Persistent Positive Public Pressure for a Peaceful and Prosperous Nepal.

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शहीदका कथा; शहीदका सपना

हेर न शहीदहरुलाई
नेपालीको अनुहारमा...

स्वास्थ्य सेवामा निजी क्षेत्रको लगानीका प्रभाव

काठमाडौँमा रहेको एक निजी क्षेत्रको लगानीमा स्थापित अस्पताल ।
लोककल्याणकारी राज्य प्रणालीमा गाँस, बाँस, कपास, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य तथा रोजगारीजस्ता नागरिकका नैसर्गिक आवश्यकता पूर्ति गर्नु सरकारको कर्तव्यभित्र पर्छ । यीमध्येको एक स्वस्थ्य सेवाको सुविधा विस्ता र सुधारको अपेक्षा सम्पूर्ण विकसित तथा अल्पविकसित मुलुकका नागरिकको मनोविज्ञान हो ।

Dr. Govinda K.C. "The Movement Continues"

A happy Alisha Thapa, 7 years in her mother's lap; a patient of Prof. Dr. Govinda KC was one of the lucky persons to offer juice to the professor after he decided to break his 14 day long fast-onto-death.

Dr. Govinda K.C. Ends Fast
On Friday Dr. Govinda K.C. finally broke his 14 days long fast-onto-death after the bottom lines were fulfilled and there were highly credible evidences that there shall be no evasive wordplay of the official documents. A man was able to push back the monstrous union of the powerful mafia and the irresponsible political system that has been plaguing nearly each sector of the Nepalese society.

Dr. Govinda K.C.: His Life and His Revolutions

A potrait of Prof. Govinda K.C. sketched by Santosh Upadhayaya from TU Institute of Medicine.

For the life you live, like a sage, despite all your peers looking for greener pastures around, for so long.
For the heart you have, an ocean, for the whole of the humanity even in the remotest corners of the globe.
For the dream you envision, a dream for Institute of Medicine making it a Centre of Excellence, making it the best institute in the region, every day.
For the inspiration you spread, a selfless idol, to all of us old and new.
For the courage you ignite, a one-man revolution, against the challenges seemingly impossible to overpower, every time.
I believe in you, Prof. Govinda K.C.

Health Care in Nepal

A nurse takes care of a mother and her new baby in a health post in Lamahi, Dang district. (Image courtsey:  globalpost.com)

A decentralized system of Governmental Health System exists on paper, and even the constitution guarantees Health as a human right in Nepal. However, the realities on ground speak a different story.

Majestic Himalayan Panorama

Top of the World
Mount Everest: The Highest Peak in the planet

Lumbini: the Birthplace of Lord Buddha

The MayaDevi Temple which houses the Sacred Marker Stone where Lord Buddha put his First Steps
In front of the temple is the Sacred Pond where MayaDevi took a bath before giving birth to the Lord.
Beside the temple is the Ashokan Pillar.
The ruins of the historic temples and monasteries are seen in the garden.

नेपालको भूगोलको इतिहास

तत्कालिन नेपाली पक्ष र बेलायती इष्ट इंडिया कम्पनीका प्रतिनिधिहरुका बीच सन् १८१६ मा गरिएको सुगौली सन्धिको चित्रतस्बिर साभारः विकिपीडीया

कुनै पनि देशको वास्तविक राष्ट्रियताको भावना बुझ्नका निम्ति त्यो देशको भूगोल
, इतिहास, उक्त देशका नागरिकहरुको चरित्र, र भविष्यका सम्भावनाहरुको समष्टिगत अध्ययन गर्नु अपरिहार्य छ

हाम्रो देशको राष्ट्रियताको आफ्नो-आफ्नो तरिकाले व्याख्या गरेर नथाक्ने राष्ट्रवादीहरु, आफुलाई देशका बुझक्कड ठान्ने नेताहरु र विद्यालयका किताब पढेर असन्तुलित ज्ञान राख्ने ज्ञानीहरु सबैमा सर्वांगीण राष्ट्रियताको खोज र अध्ययनको कमि देखिन्छ

आर्थिक बिकासका लागि कृषि-सहकारी

नेपालमा कृषिमा हुने प्रमुख लगानी नै मानव श्रम हो
हाम्रो देशमा धेरैजसो घरपरिवारको आर्थिक आयआर्जनको प्रमुख श्रोत कृषि हो कृषि छेत्रमा हाम्रो देशको कुल जनसंख्याको ६० प्रतिशत जनशक्ति खटिएको छ र हाम्रो देश को कुल गहर्स्थ उत्पादनको ४० प्रतिशत हिस्सा कृषि र कृषिजन्य उत्पादन मार्फत प्राप्त हुन्छ

यस अर्थमा कृषि हाम्रो देशको प्रमुख पेशा र प्रमुख उद्द्यम हो, देशको मुख्य जीवनशैली हो

Nepal's Borders with her Neighbours

One of the famous Pillars along the Nepal-India borders. (Image Courtsey: Ekantipur.com)

One issue which has been central to Nepal’s national pride and nationalism is the issue of her borders with the neighbours India and China. There have long been inconsistencies regarding the national border which has led to a sense of confusion and dissatisfaction amongst the citizenry. 

Education in Nepal

A child participates in the Physical Training drill from outside the walls of a Private School in Kathmandu imitating the students of the school. This iconic image was by Photographer Shaligram Tiwari for Kantipur Publications.

Quality Education in Nepal is still a privilege for many despite Government and Non-governmental Sector tunneling enormous economic and bureaucratic resources into Education.  

New Constituent Assembly Begins

The Birendra International Convention Center at Baneshwor, Kathmandu which houses the Constituent Assembly of Nepal.

After the first version of the Constituent Assembly was doomed due to a number of factors, the second Constituent Assembly of Nepal has formally begun today. Although the strengths have   shifted to the traditionally established political parties, the issues of the people remain the same.

Together, We Can.

Together we can bring Peace and Prosperity in our Nation.

The world knows, haamro deshka Netaharu have decided to launch the Constituent Assembly Part II. Well, the leaders could have easily brought out the constitution if a few more months were added to the previous Constituent Assembly as well. However, each party and nearly each leader thought otherwise.

एक वर्षमा संबिधान बनाउन सकिन्छ; बनाउनै पर्छ।

नेपाली जनताले धेरै संघर्ष र बलिदानीबाट प्राप्त गरेको संबिधान सभाको पहिलो संस्करण विविध कारणबस भंग भयो र यो दोश्रो संबिधान सभाको आवस्यकता पर्यो । यो दौरानमा पहिलो संबिधान सभा भित्र र बाहिर राजनैतिक दलहरुका बिचमा, विभिन्न बिषय र मुद्दाका अध्येता र जानकारहरुका बिचमा, अनि आम जनतामाझ थुप्रै बहसहरु भए, थुप्रै छलफलहरु चलाइए र थुप्रै अभियानहरु संचालनमा आए। यो प्रक्रियाको अन्त्यमा संबिधान सभाको अन्त्य भएपनि त्यस दौरान हाम्रो समाज र देशमा इतिहासदेखि हालसम्मका दिनसम्म रहेका प्रवृतिहरु, तिनमा रहेका सबल पक्ष र तिनमा रहेका कमिसमजोरीहरु का बारेमा हामी शिक्षित हुने अवसर पायौं।

नेपालको नयाँ पुस्ता

अहिलेको नयाँ पुस्ताले ल्याउनेछ शान्त र सम्वृद्ध नेपाल
अबको नेपाल एउटा नयाँ पुस्ताले चलाउनेछ